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My Top 10 Games of “2016”

By Brian
February 3, 2017

2016 was a good year of gaming for me. I definitely didn’t get to play as much as I would have liked, but I had a good time when I had the chance.


Category: Classic , Lists

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Life Lessons From Frogger

By Brian
August 3, 2016

Thanks to the Atari 2600, I learned at a very early age that Frogger is synonymous with repetitive torture and misery. Trying to get those poor frogs across both a busy street and a snake-ridden, alligator-infested river was a lesson in futility.


Category: Classic

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The First Video Game I Bought

By Brian
February 6, 2016

The first video game I ever bought with my own money? Well…it’s a story worth telling, but not for the right reasons.


Category: Classic